We hired Allure Construction from your recommendation, the job started yesterday with the demolition of the old driveway. Forms and rebar and supposed to happen today. So far this contractor has been quite responsive with emails and activity.
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Concrete Companies Near Brea, CA
**Not Endorsed By AllAboutDriveways.com
Company Name Long One
123 Main St
City, CO 89999
Company Name Long One
123 Main St
City, CO 89999
Company Name Long One
123 Main St
City, CO 89999
Company Name Long One
123 Main St
City, CO 89999
Company Name Long One
123 Main St
City, CO 89999
Company Name Long One
123 Main St
City, CO 89999
Not All Concrete Companies Are Created Equally
What's the greatest aspect of the concrete industry? With absolutely no experience, absolutely anyone can start a concrete business.
Do you know what the worst thing about the concrete industry is? With absolutely no training in concrete, literally anyone can call themselves a concrete contractor.
That's right. Getting into the concrete business is extremely .
Just pick out a brand, buy and rent some tools of the trade, watch a few vidoes online, build a website and... poof! You can pass yourself off as a concrete pro.
Knowing this one simple fact, it's easy to see how experienced concrete companies will furnish superb concrete products, while others will furnish poor quality, sub-standard work.
Simple! Right Here On AllAboutDriveways.com
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We strive to be the best resource for finding honest and reliable Concrete Professionals in Brea and the surrounding areas.
All reviews can be verified for authenticity
Received a prompt call from the owner of "Upon This Rock" concrete contractor. He was very pleasant and professional. Of the three contractors who bid on the job, he was right in the middle. All the contractors I interviewed were qualified and I would have hired any of the three. The contractor I first interviewed was the lower of all three, plus I have witnessed some of the professional and beautiful work he has done... so he got the job. Price and quality... can't ask for more than that.
What more can I ask for!!
Your website help me familiarize myself with the work involved and what to expect from a reliable contracter. It also provided valuable information on terms and words of the trade.