Our Team

Patrick brings over 38 years of construction experience and over 14 years of web development experience to AllAboutDriveways.com.
When Patrick's not installing driveways or adding to the All About Driveways website, you can find him working around his ranch taking care of the animals. Patrick enjoys the outdoors, waterskiing and snow skiing.

Susie brings 4+ years of social media marketing for a million dollar agency in addition to 15+ years of professional sales experience to the All About Driveways brand.
In her spare time you'll find her investing her time into continuing education, and spending quality time decorating and landscaping.

Thomas brings over 16 years of backend development to All About Driveways. A loyal team member since 2009, Thomas has been an integral part of the growth and expansion of our company.
When Thomas isn't working, you'll find him spending time with his wife and 2 children. Thomas enjoys traveling and showing his children the beautiful countryside.