An asphalt crew paving a new asphalt driveway

Asphalt Paving FAQ's

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The Short Answer: An asphalt driveway runs between $1.93 and $6.26 Per Sq Ft nationwide.


The Real Answer: It depends on many factors. Is it a brand new asphalt driveway on virgin ground or are you removing an replacing an existing asphalt driveway? Or are you overlaying (adding an additional layer) to an existing asphalt driveway?


Once the type of paving is determined, then, the size of the driveway, the amount of excavating and grading for proper water drainage, how much repair needs to be done before overlaying the driveway, the distance from the asphalt plant and the thickness of the asphalt all make each driveway price unique.


Also, price per Sq Ft increases as the size of a driveway decreases.  The smaller the driveway, the higher the cost. The bigger the driveway, the lower the cost. This is due to the fixed costs associated with a driveway business.

  • Ordering & Management of Materials.
  • Materials Costs.
  • Equipment Costs.
  • Mobilization Fees.
  • Labor Costs.
  • Insurance Costs.
  • Bookkeeping.
  • Etc.


Asphalt driveway costs are determined by a strict calculated method that honest asphalt professionals use. Since every job is entirely different from the next, your job will not cost the same as the one down the street or the one in the next neighborhood over.


Want to know the real costs? Use the same asphalt calculator the professionals use.


Or, Get up to 3 FREE estimates from our certified asphalt driveway pros near you.


The Short Answer: On an average, 1 to 3 days for the installation of an asphalt driveway.


The Real Answer: The amount of time it takes to install an asphalt driveway really depends on the size of the driveway, the condition of the existing soil, the amount of subgrade preparation for stabilization and drainage planning and the size of the crew and equipment.

The Short Answer: Yes... but it should be avoided at all costs.


The Real Answer: Installing asphalt over concrete has the potential for many future problems. Sure, it may look good at first, but the problems can pop up within days or a few short weeks.

The Potential Problems:

  • The asphalt can chip off in big chunks, particularly if the new asphalt installed is less than 2" thick.
  • The asphalt will crack off at the edges of  where the concrete ends.
  • The control joints in the concrete will reflect up through the new asphalt.
  • Any cracks or damaged areas in the concrete will reflect up through the new asphalt.

Answer: With proper maintenance and upkeep, a properly installed asphalt driveway can last up to 20 or even 30 years.

The Short Answer: The absolute minimum asphalt thickness should be is 2".


The Real Answer: Is the discussion of thickness before compaction, or after compaction?


Think about it. Once the asphalt is laid on the ground, it must be compacted with a roller. Therefore the thickness is much different than when it was initially laid.


The absolute minimum an asphalt driveway should be paved is 2" after compaction. A lot of driveways are 3" thick after compaction. A good number of them are 4" thick after compaction.


But what's the condition of the soil it's being installed on? An asphalt driveway is only as good as what's beneath it, regardless of the thickness.

The Short Answer: Compacting the edges of the asphalt after it has been laid, helps make the edges more durable.


Additional Information: There are varying opinions on how the edges should be finished on an asphalt driveway. Some companies believe it's a waste of time and money to compact them. Some will even flat out refuse to do it. Others won't pave an asphalt driveway without compacting the edges.


But what's more important, is if the edges are "locked in" or left open and visible. Adding a shoulder to your asphalt driveway will help lessen the chances of cracked edges tremendously.


We cover the topic of asphalt edges in great detail in one of our articles.

Answer: An asphalt driveway is only as stable as what's beneath it.


Is it clay and expands and heaves? Is it sandy? Then a solid base should be installed before paving the driveway.


Is the natural soil decomposed granite or has there been a base material installed previously? Then likely there is no need to add base material.


We wrote an article about adding base material to an asphalt driveway that covers the topic in more detail.

The Short Answer: Yes. Asphalt by nature cracks.


Unfortunately it’s not IF a new asphalt driveway will crack, but WHEN and WHERE it will crack. It's the nature of just about any outdoor hard surface and can be compounded by the climate you live in.


On The Other Hand: Many cracks soon after installation could be a sign of a poorly installed asphalt driveway. If you're seeing cracking on your new asphalt driveway, something could be very wrong.

Answer: A minimum of 6 months after installation.


Most asphalt sealer manufacturers recommend waiting until your new asphalt driveway is 6 months old before sealing it.


Sealing your asphalt driveway too soon can damage the surface of the asphalt and cut it's life expectancy.

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